Today In Metal History 🤘 January 5th, 2025 🤘 AEROSMITH, IRON MAIDEN, ANVIL, DANGER DANGER, L.A. GUNS, WATAIN
HEAVY HISTORY 32 years ago today (January 5th, 1993) IRON MAIDEN announced that former WOLFSBANE singer BLAZE BAYLEY would replace BRUCE DICKINSON. “We’ve all known Blaze since Wolfsbane toured with us in 1992,” Steve Harris commented. “We all like th…
CRAIG GOLDY Says VIVIAN CAMPBELL Was ‘Very Disrespectful To RONNIE JAMES DIO On Many Occasions’
Former DIO and current DIO DISCIPLES guitarist Craig Goldy has weighed in on the way Vivian Campbell was fired from DIO, saying that Vivian was “very disrespectful to Ronnie [James Dio] on many occasions.” Ronnie, Vivian, drummer Vinny Appice and bassi…
Founding NEVERMORE Bassist JIM SHEPPARD Weighs In On Being Excluded From Comeback – “I’m Disappointed No One Reached Out To Me Concerning The Name Nevermore; I Wish Them The Best”
On December 27, guitarist Jeff Loomis and drummer Van Williams took to social media teasing a return of Nevermore in 2025. The duo issued teasers with phrases “Resurrecting The Dream” and “A New Chapter Rises”. See Williams’ post here. Nevermore split …
Today in Rock History – January 5
Rock History January 5 1966, The Beatles record overdubs onto the film The Beatles at Shea Stadium. That night, John Lennon goes nightclubbing with ’50s rocker P.J. Proby. 1967, Pink Floyd appeared at The Marquee Club, London, England. 1967, Dur…
MOTÖRHEAD – New Modern Cowboy LEMMY ReAction Figure Available From Super7
Super7 is proud to reintroduce the man, the myth, the legend: Lemmy of Motörhead. The older and wiser 3.75″ scale Lemmy ReAction Figure arrives wearing his trademark sunglasses, as well as his iconic cavalry hat and cowboy boots. Also included are his …
IRON SAVIOR Part Ways With Bassist JAN-S. ECKERT; Replacement Announced
Iron Savior frontman / founder Piet Sielck has checked in with the following update: “It is with great regret that we have to inform you that Jan-S. Eckert has left Iron Savior. This was at his own request, which we ultimately had to accept. We thank …
DREAM EVIL – Five Camera Mix Of Entire Marrickville, Australia Show Streaming
Sweden’s Dream Evil performed at the Marrickville Bowling Club in Marrickville, Australia on November 2nd. A five camera mix of the entire show, courtesy of Bobmetallicafreak Productions can be viewed below. Setlist: “Metal Gods” “In Flames You Burn” “…
What If IRON MAIDEN Wrote “Don’t Stop Me Now” By QUEEN? (Video)
Finnish musician / producer Otu, who works under the banner Moonic Productions, has shared his take on what would happen if Iron Maiden wrote the Queen classic, “Don’t Stop Me Now”. Check it out below, get the full version via Otu’s Patreon page here. …
FLOTSAM AND JETSAM Drummer KEN MARY On North American Music Industry – “I Think There Is An Effort To Elevate Things Like Rap And Pop, And To Push Metal To The Wayside” (Video)
Jimmy Kay from Canada’s The Metal Voice spoke to Flotsam And Jetsam guitarist Michael Gilbert and drummer Ken Mary about the band’s new album, I Am The Weapon, and the trends and changes in the music industry over the years. When asked to compare today…
FLOTSAM AND JETSAM Drummer KEN MARY On North Anerican Music Industry – “I Think There Is An Effort To Elevate Things Like Rap And Pop, And To Push Metal To The Wayside” (Video)
Jimmy Kay from Canada’s The Metal Voice spoke to Flotsam And Jetsam guitarist Michael Gilbert and drummer Ken Mary about the band’s new album, I Am The Weapon, and the trends and changes in the music industry over the years. When asked to compare today…